19  Fear TC  "19  Fear" \l 1

The way to get rid of fear is to be totally involved in everything that one is doing, because fear is never of the present.

To be fearless is to have faith in oneself; to have faith in oneself means to have faith in Divinity, for the human being is divine.

All fear is based on one basic fear: loss of the self. This is because the human being has assumed the idea that, “I am the body, I am the mind, I do this, and I do that.”

Where is the place for fear when you have mastered all vibrations? When you reach the quietude of the inner self you become saturated by that power and it has no place in the light.

Fear only comes from reflection and from memory. Projecting the past, we fear the future. “What is going to happen to me?” The present is totally forgotten. When you are in the present you are totally fearless. Only memories give you fear.

To become fearless is an instantaneous process; it is that process whereby one centers oneself in this very moment.

We have to learn how to live with fear. If you can become an observer of the constituents of fear, observing the process of what is happening in the mind to create fear, then you will learn to live with fear; and fear will vanish automatically.

The real “I” can never be affected at all.

Being in conflict has to produce anxiety, which is the blood brother of fear, insecurity and inadequacy.

How to live with fear? There is only one answer to the question: reach the inner quiet mind. The force of the superconscious level of the mind drowns all the smaller, grosser workings of the mind.

Fear is a superimposition on you.

You are living and operating perfectly. It is your mind that is telling you that you are imperfect.

The higher Self within us is non-dependent.

Facing yourself is not always pleasant because the lower levels of the mind are not very pleasant. This is because they are forever in conflict.

Fear must not be controlled or annihilated because these attempts only result in inhibitions and repressions. The more you try to control anything with the conscious mind, the stronger it becomes.

As long as there is a conflict in the mind you are not totally sane because you have not reached totality.

When you hear those stories of being possessed by vibrations or by other people’s thoughts, remember it is not those thoughts or vibrations affecting you, but you, who are making yourself totally open and conducive to receiving those vibrations.

The greatest thing that could ever be achieved in this life is not always to mind your step, but to take a leap. The greatest things created in this world—from the most fantastic bridges to the tallest skyscraper—exist because a person was prepared to take a leap!

Death causes no pain whatsoever. What causes pain is the fear of death. Death is painless; fear is painful.

One of our basic fears, which is behind all fears, is the loss of individuality. But the thing that has to be realized is that by losing that individuality and assuming universality you become the master of the universe. You and the Maker become One.

How much joy is missed in life because we do not want to change.

We must say, “I am not standing alone. Hand in hand, relativity walks with Absolute. I am not alone—who or what can cause harm?” When we realize this, and affirm it to ourselves, when we feel it within every bone and every drop of blood in our bodies, then everything becomes an opportunity. You need not create it; it is there. Opportunity is beauty, and we have been gifted with the greatest opportunity of life: being able to live.