We such a lot of times feel bound and our lives become like a big load we need to carry and that stops us from moving freely and happily in life.

Gururaj was waiting to receive a question... a young man asked... What is the nature of personal freedom?

And, Gururaj started his answer... trying to understand what was the nature of the question he had been asked...



The Kingdom of Heaven which is within you brings the clarity to the mind.

It dissipates the obscurity which is the essence of the feeling of being bound.

It is the patternings of the mind that bring about that feeling and those patternings can be dissipated if we reach the subtler levels of the mind.

The Kingdom of Heaven within that Jesus taught. You can name with many different names, and they are all OK.

These teachings are good for human beings, atheists and theists the same.




Our minds are fragmented, with thoughts pulling in different directions.

And this tension that is produced by this fragmentetion veils our natural freedom, our essence.

We might think it is far appart from us, but it is so... so... near.

And what do we do to find that fountain of live, love and laughter? It is based on meditation and spiritual practices.




With the proper Spiritual Practices and Meditation Techniques we integrate ourselves overcoming the turmoil of the fragmented state of the mind.

Man know thyself. That is the injunction of every Religion. Not man know God, but man know thyself.

The Universal Consciousness within you is then known, your Divine inherited actuality.




You will find that the path and the goal is just but One. The Isness of Life. Eternity in a moment.

Turning your attention within. Going beyond analysis and the "good and bad" of things to the land of Joy of Existence.

I am... Yaveh... An experience. Not acquired knowledge. Wisdom of experience within thyself.

You have to become integrated in order to Love thyself, not loving yourself you will not be able to Love your neighbour.




So you cannot annihilate the ego but you can stretch it and make it transparent so that the light within you can shine through. And the light within will shine through to your beloved ones around you.




To be continued...


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