16  Inner Mysteries TC  "16  Inner Mysteries" \l 1

All spiritual practices are meant to awaken that Christ consciousness within you. It is not something gained from the outside. It is there within you all the time.

The eternal spirit within man is beyond all experience of motion, it just is. It is a question of superimposition. The sun is always there, the clouds may cover it, but it is always there. In meditation we are tapping into this eternal stillness and the quiet part of ourselves.

Yearning has to be within ourselves first, and the power of that seeking will automatically open all the doors.

The basic truth taught by the great Incarnations of the world is: Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven within and all else shall be added unto you. All peace will come to the mind: the body will heal itself by the power drawn from the inner Self, the God that is within; and everything else will be added.

Seeking is the process of fulfillment.

The superconscious mind can only function at its fullest and deepest level when the body and the subconscious and the conscious mind are at rest.

If we regard man to be divine, what are the veils that hold back the awareness of Divinity from the mind level? The veils recognized by the mind are recognized by a veil, because the mind too is a veil. From this whirlpool there is no escape. The only way to find the solution to the mysteries of all existence is to go beyond the mind!

There is a difference between pleasure and joy. Pleasure is momentary, joy is lasting.

Through daily application of spiritual practices and meditation we become more integrated and pain becomes less. Pain is not supplanted with pleasure, but with joy. So here we are slowly going beyond the law of opposites.

How many of us bring the attention to the center, to where it is still? That is the secret of life: to go beyond the polarities. Where there is mind, there are polarities. When we go beyond the mind we go beyond polarities, and center ourselves within ourselves. That is the area of joy and bliss; that is what all human beings are striving for.

By meditation and spiritual practices, what we are doing is going deep down to the superconscious level which is closest to the Manifestor. We use those subtler energies to remodify the thought patterns of the conscious mind. For the conscious mind is a conditioned mind, and we’ve got to use a subtler force to be able to repattern or overcome its conditionings.

Happiness and joy are always there in the heart of the human being. All the things we do—rituals, religions, contemplation, and mediation— all are but preparations to reach back home to the Father that is within.

Through our practices, we draw out and rely on that which is in us. We allow that inner light to shine in the dark crevices of the mind and lighten it up. That lamp is forever burning bright, forever there, shining in all its glory, love and grace.

The confusion lies in assuming that I am the doer, when in reality I am not the doer, I am the instrument.

Do not be attached to action, it is only experience.

What happens to most people is that they are tossed around in the sea of life by time and space, not realizing this: “My being tossed around is caused by me.”

So what do I do to my boat? I build a rudder, and that rudder comes about by proper understanding and meditational and spiritual practices: so that now, even in the movement of time and space that used to toss me around helplessly, I am not the servant of it, for I can be still. That is the secret of life.

The purpose of meditation is to find strength. For in the modification that the soul has to go through, one needs strength to bear the consequences of the changes; and it is not always very pleasant. But change has to be there, sooner or later, and if one gains the inner strength through meditation, then the changes which occur in life are easily borne. One has to bear one’s own cross, but it has its own rewards. This is a great truth.

When greater integration takes place within a person, he becomes less dependent on an external source. He becomes independent because the force, the power, and the energy that he is utilizing do not come from the outside, but from within himself.

The light is forever shining. What we are learning is to draw back the curtain so that the light can shine into our daily living.

Replacing a bad habit with a good habit has nothing to do with that which you really are, the divine being that you are.

Through meditation one reaches the core of oneself, the heart—we can call it by any name. This essence is the core of the human personality, of the embodied form in which the spirit dwells. The kingdom of heaven lies within, surrounded by our embodied form.

You imagine you are being deluded by an evil power when you have an evil tendency in you, because of which, you can only see the evil in others. You think, “I am being deluded.” But if the tendencies in you are good and pure, your heart will say, “Forget the mind.”

As we climb to the pinnacle through our meditations and spiritual practices, we reach the point where we find all to be one, for then our individual mind loses itself in the universal mind, yet retains its individuality because of its embodiment.

Through meditation we start to make a 180-degree turn in our interpretation of life. The same things happen every day, but become more enjoyable. Look at the little things about which we complain every day: the sun is shining—”Oh, it’s so hot today!”, if its is cold—”Oh, it’s so cold today!”,  if it is raining—”Oh, it will spoil my hairdo!” But when we are established in the silence, we will enjoy the rain, we will enjoy the cold, we will enjoy the sunshine. We enjoy them all because we realize that all this is all necessary.

Seeing is focusing on a particular object; and when you focus on a particular object the mind starts analyzing and you are lost. When you look, in totality,—just looking and not allowing the mind to interfere in looking, then you see the truth.

In just looking you bypass the mind, the conscious and the superconscious, and you just look in innocence. When you do not see with innocence, you see with a certain focusing of a patterned mind.

Communication is in the realm of the mind; communion is in the realm of the heart, the inner Self.

Live the life of Divinity which is total sincerity . . . not that which the mind conjures up, making you think that you are you. Because you are not you: You are God incarnate in human flesh and blood.