23 Integration TC "23 Integration" \l 1
All unhappiness and strife in this world come because people do not function as total human beings. What is lacking is integration—of body, mind, and spirit.
A balanced life, a total life, will be a life where the physical, mental, and the spiritual aspects live in harmony, and a person lives as one unit, as one totality.
A spiritually unfolded person is a more integrated person, in proportion to the degree of unfoldment that has taken place.
The human being is forever escaping from himself because he cannot face reality. Because of imbalance within himself, or fragmentation that exists between his mind, body, and spirit, he tries to find some form of relief in escapism.
Drug-taking leads to fragmentation; meditation leads to integration.
Spiritual growth depends upon your honesty and sincerity, and on your wanting to find a certain inner freedom and yet be part of society.
The big “I” permeates all thoughts, and all actions of the small “I”. The degree of permeation of the big “I” depends entirely upon the openness, development, and unfoldment of the small “I.” This is the aim and goal and strife of all human beings.
Physical maturity is not a must towards self-realization. Mental maturity—mental balance—is one of the prerequisite conditions to reach self-realization. When the mind becomes more balanced, it definitely affects the body by bringing greater calmness. The mind then experiences the body in its higher values, due to the infusion of the spiritual Self, the divine Self of the human being. Finally the body, mind, and spirit become one in total integration.
For a radio to be tuned in properly to get the broadcast, the radio has to be in good order. The tubes and the cells in the radio have to be working well and in harmony. Now, that harmony, in our terminology, is called integration. So when our “radio” is totally integrated, or working in harmony, it can attune itself to receive that shakti, that force, that power we call Grace, and pass it on.
What the human mind is trying to do is to harmonize his body, his mind, and his spirit so that they can function in wholeness. When the conflict between the body, mind, and spirit ceases, life assumes a different quality, and that quality produces happiness. The process and purpose of unifying ourselves is to find happiness and joy. That is the inherent nature of a human being.
Conflict is produced by that elusive quality called the mind, which contains its own samskaric and karmic values. So what we are really trying to do is to revert to our real Self, where only harmony can exist.
Why put so much emphasis on ESP and mystical powers? The emphasis should be on integration of the mind, body, and spirit. The emphasis should be on reaching the kingdom of heaven within, on drawing from that infinite source. Then our lives become smoother, more harmonious, and fulfilled; filled with love, kindness, compassion, and all the virtues that go with them. That is the aim of life, that is the goal of life—not acquiring all these so-called supernatural powers.
It works two ways—the mind pushes down, and the heart pushes up—and a meeting takes place. When this meeting takes place between the mind and heart, then the two function as a whole, and that is what we call expansion of the mind and expansion of the heart.
In the whole organic system of the human being, going right back to the primal cell, you will find that there are always balancing factors. There are billions of cells in our body, and billions of cells in our mind. At their cellular level, because of the natural laws, they are forever trying to create a balance; the laws of nature are there just to bring together and preserve this balance. The human being’s thinking power tears them asunder and creates a separation; and this very separation is the cause of illness.
We do not want total independence, we do not want total dependence. What we want is interdependence of the relative with the Absolute. Through spiritual practices and meditations we form a union with a higher force, with a higher being.
Truth itself is none else than harmony within yourself and all that surrounds you.
When the stage of pure consciousness is reached by a human being, he feels totally integrated within himself. And when he feels totally integrated within himself, he feels that all this is but one, and no separation exists.
To the spiritually unfolded person there are no stumbling blocks: there are only stepping stones. Those things that were stumbling blocks have been turned into stepping stones. Knowing that every experience in life is but a stepping stone to lead us up and ever onward is one of the marks of the unfolding person.
The person who does not really require more money, but wants to double it and triple it, has created within himself a false need, which is a product of a mental aberration. In other words, that person’s mind has not found balance, and is imbalanced.
The worst adversity in life can be turned into an opportunity. The greatest hatreds can be turned into love. That is how we improve ourselves and the environment; that is how we progress through life; that is how greater harmony descends upon us, and life becomes beautiful, goodly, and godly. Do good, be good—it’s so simple!
We do not condemn the sinner, we condemn the sin, and in the condemnation of the sin we try to show which is the right path. The right path will lead towards creating a balance, creating that integration which is self-realization; and self-realization is God-realization.
Love is the outcome . . . joy is the outcome . . . faith is the outcome . . . of diving deep within.
If we regard Divinity to be eternal, then the manifestations of Divinity —rajas, tamas, and sattva—are eternal too, being the manifestations of an eternal manifestor. Rajas, tamas, and sattva are the qualities which govern the working of all natural laws. In a person’s progression toward self-realization he does not destroy rajas, or tamas; he subdues them so that they do not gain dominance, and allows sattva to dominate in his life.