The power of discrimination, (viveka, as they call it in Sanskrit), is for one purpose: to be able to discriminate between the changing and the unchanging, to discriminate between the relative and the Absolute. The Absolute is our real essence, it is changeless. All change is but a manifestation of the changeless. When you combine in your life the values of both changelessness and change, then you live a full life. You do not live a full life now. But those of you who have started on the path of self-integration, employing conscious effort in daily living, will reach that point where all of life is joy. Then even if you feel pain, you will see that you are involved in a universe which is composed of pairs of opposites. Pleasure, pain; heat, cold; sun, snow: we will always have these pairs. But once we realize the value of pain and pleasure, then neither of them will affect us. |