The Here and Now of Life
When you live in the moment and not the past or the future, you live in that one moment, the
whole of eternity. When you live in the whole of eternity, the totality of eternity is the moment.
Every moment is beautiful in itself. A moment becomes ugly only by association. You either
associate with the past or you project yourself into the future and take that moment out of its
context. You either magnify it or make it much smaller than it is. So the moment is lost and then
the next moment begins, and the same thing happens all over again, all the time.

We are interested in Now, not what happened millions of years ago at the primal explosion, or
what is going to happen at the dissolution of the entire universe, which might be billions and
billions of years in the future. We are interested in today, and what we can do in the present to
make our own lives happy and those around us happy.

Why waste time on abstract philosophy? Why waste time on the idea of, “After I’ve opened up all
my chakras, then what?” Open them up first. We cross bridges when we come to them. What is
the purpose of all this creation? We come from the black hole and re-enter the black hole. Let’s
wait until we re-enter the black hole; it might not even be black anymore by the time we get there,
who knows?
If every moment is well lived, then the next
moment will take care of itself.

To be able to enjoy the moment to its fullest
is to enjoy the entirety of creation.

There is no past, there is no future, there is
only now. Eternity can only be expressed or
experienced in the now-ness of life.
These black holes and white holes will
always go on and on. It is the nature of
the universe ever to remain in flux. But
we who have come from that black
hole will enter a black hole again; but
not the same black hole. Then,
philosophically speaking: Where are
you traveling to? Where have you
come from? Where goest thou?
Nowhere. You progress from here to
The only thing that is non-fiction is the here and now of life, and all joy of life depends on the
discovery of the here and now.

Thank God that you cannot remember your past lives. If you are not even willing to forgive and
forget what Uncle Bob said three months ago, what would you do if you could remember what
happened one or two lifetimes ago? Your mind would be driven mad.

You have many groups that talk of the hereafter. Why are the here and the after mixed up
together? Let the after be after. While we are here, for this short span of life, let this “here” be
really lovely, like a flower giving off its fragrance and yet asking no return.

Why should I remember what Doris said to me yesterday? It is because I am accustomed to two
things: pain and pleasure. That very habit of being accustomed to the feelings of pain and
pleasure is water in the sponge of the mind. Then we complain of being miserable! That water
that is in the sponge of the mind can never remain fresh. It stagnates itself, and misery is
nothing else than a great big stink.

God’s greatest gift to mankind is the ability to forget.

Negatives follow in the footsteps of memories: fear, inadequacy, insecurity.

There is no eternity in time. That is why we say eternity is timeless. And this very split second is
a timelessness where you find the oneness with Divinity. That very split second gives you the
realization that I and my Father are One. And that very realization in the split second is eternal:
that’s eternity, that’s realization, that’s illumination, that’s awakening.

There is an existence, inseparable from that which you regard to be the Father. This can be
practiced every moment of the day, in dreaming, waking, and sleeping.